When retail and community combines – the magic happens

Few of us will forget the dramatic scenes last November when Storm Ciaran swept in and wreaked havoc across Northern Ireland – none more so than the people of Downpatrick.
The floods devastated the town, forcing many businesses, shops and cafes to close, with hundreds of thousands of pounds of stock lost and some buildings even condemned. Livelihoods were at risk, people were shattered, and with Christmas on the horizon, the outlook was bleak.
The town’s much loved Asda store also felt the full thrust of the storm. It’s a major employer in Downpatrick and, thanks to its town centre location, has always been a big footfall driver. The flooding caused major subsidence, and the store was condemned – for good.

Community spirit
But there’s more to Downpatrick than bricks and mortar, and in true community spirit, the locals rallied and worked together to make the best of a truly dire situation.
It certainly filled the Morrow team with pride to help communicate Asda’s role in supporting the local community by delivering quick-fix and longer-term solutions.
From offering extra home delivery slots and Click&Collect options, to providing a shuttle bus service to other stores for customers who couldn’t drive, the team went, as they say in Asda, ABCD (Above and Beyond the Call of Duty).
Add to the mix the amazing community champion, Linda Owens who secured over £7,500 of grants from the Asda Foundation. These funds were used to provide on-the-ground support to a variety of local groups: from assisting with the clean-up operation to funding food hampers for vulnerable families who were out of work due to the floods.
Naturally the closure was a huge blow to the store’s 156 colleagues, but they were quickly redeployed to other Asda locations in Northern Ireland, so no-one missed a day’s work.
Fast forward to 24 January, and after an intense two months of preparation, Asda proclaimed “We’re Back’, opening a 14,000 sq ft temporary store right beside the old building.
It might not have the full Asda offering but it has everything the people of Downpatrick need for now, and they turned out in force on a cold Thursday morning to share in the excitement of opening day.
A day to remember
Having managed the communications for Asda since it first came to NI in 2005, we were chuffed to be in the driving seat once again in Downpatrick, providing strategic advice, liaising with local stakeholders, and working with the media to ensure everyone was updated and accurately informed.

The highlight, of course, was working closely with the General Store Manager, Ciara Smith, and Asda’s Corporate Affairs Manager, Joe McDonald to make opening day an occasion to remember.
The media turned out in force and the level of coverage was exceptional with phrases such as ‘resilience’, ‘loyalty’ and ‘the power of community collaboration’ resonating for all.

Morrows Director, Claire Bonner led the charge. As she says herself, Asda is like her family:
“I couldn’t believe how emotional I felt as Ciara led the countdown to opening and streams of joyous customers, pushing their sparkling new trollies, filed into the temporary store. Many of the colleagues were in tears because they were so thrilled to be reunited on home territory and were full of praise for the way Asda had looked after them during this challenging time.
“But it was the response from the customers which really choked me up. They simply oozed gratitude, hugging the colleagues, posing for photographs, and shouting loud and proud on social media.
“Today reminded me how honoured we are to work with Asda.”