UK Award for E-learning Production

We are delighted that an online educational resource produced by our team has won an award at the Quality in Care (QiC) Diabetes awards held in London on 13th October 2016.
The website, won the Empowering People with Diabetes Category at the prestigious health sector ceremony.
Gaining QiC recognition means that an initiative has been highlighted by the NHS, charities, patient organisation and industry as improving patient experience, standards of care and outcomes.
The judges’ feedback was very complimentary of the resource saying:
“The judges loved the principle of this entry and that it truly empowered patients and their families by aiding them in asking the right questions to gain valuable answers….. Well-conceived and delivered, it had great impact and the judges would put it straight into practice in their areas.”
Morrows were commissioned to produce this online and video resource by Queen’s University Belfast; who worked with the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust; South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust; Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust Foundation to carry out the academic research that led to the production.
Around 5% of UK pregnancies are diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), which is associated with higher risk of stillbirth and a seven-fold risk of developing type 2 diabetes in later life. ‘ The educational resource aims to improve the patient experience of women diagnosed with GDM. Originally produced as a DVD in four languages (English, Urdu, Arabic and Somali) and later converted to a website, it was evaluated in a randomised controlled trial among 150 multi-ethnic women with newly diagnosed GDM. It is now used routinely in patient education across the UK.
Our production team is currently working on a second e-learning resource aimed at educating people with T2 Diabetes on how to manage their condition.