Mutual Energy is a major player in the Northern Ireland energy sector managing critically important gas and electricity assets that provide vital energy links with Great Britain and across the island of Ireland. They also now operate as the NI Network Emergency Co-ordinator for the whole of NI a vital role in the case of any gas network related emergencies.

  • Gas to the West 1

With their strategically important assets, Mutual Energy aims to manage them to the highest standards of safety, reliability and efficiency. As a mutual organisation with no shareholders to satisfy, their overall purpose is to own and operate energy infrastructure in the long-term interest of Northern Ireland energy consumers. We are currently supporting the company as it positions itself for the decarbonisation challenge and the energy transition necessary to meet Northern Ireland’s climate change needs.

  • Gas to the West 2

We manage all their communications in Northern Ireland and are implementing a strategic communications plan which includes Government and stakeholder communications,  media relations and PR, crisis communications and planning, website & digital comms, event management and design & print services including brand development and management.

We work with Mutual Energy and partners on an annual basis to deliver crisis preparedness and scenario training to ensure the industry is as prepared as possible in the event of a gas emergency in Northern Ireland.

  • ISO Certificate
  • Linergy converts to natural gas 44

Our Partners