Walking the Asda mile

For national retailers, Northern Ireland presents both opportunities, and challenges.  Morrow’s work with Asda since it first arrived here in 2005 has been to help them maximise the former, and overcome (or avoid) the latter.  It’s an approach that works, because there is a strong cultural fit between the two companies, and both are passionate about retail. In a nutshell, Morrow’s PR team ‘gets’ Asda,  acting as the supermarket’s trusted advisors…its eyes and ears on the ground.

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    Working as an extension of Asda’s national press office, Morrows help to identify and seize local PR opportunities, advising on the subtle nuances of the Northern Ireland market that set it apart from other UK regions, and embracing the community focus for which Asda is renowned.

    The four-strong Morrow’s ASDA team fulfils a dual role, thinking like Asda customers, but acting as colleagues to the management, helping them service the needs of communities living within the ‘Asda mile’ of its 17 NI stores. In short, the role embraces everything – from profiling peas, to managing corporate relations.

    Retail customers may be notoriously fickle and shopping trends continue to change, but Morrows has worked hard to give the Asda brand a strong local identity. Innovations, such as placing the George clothing range on the catwalk during Belfast Fashion Week, and attiring the Belfast Giants ice hockey team in snappy George suits, is helping to bring the brand to new audiences.  And work with local stores, from creating a Minion Lair in an Asda café, to profiling a day in the life of an amazing Community Life Champion, builds a strong local focus which resonates with customers.  


    It’s also a lot of fun. Asda and Morrows like fun.

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