‘Novel Journeys’ with Translink Book Club

Over the past year, we have been assisting our client Translink with an exciting monthly book club. Launched in March 2021 the ‘Novel Journeys’ Book Club aims to promote passenger mental health through the enjoyment of reading.
In partnership with No Alibis Bookstore in Botanic, Novel Journeys has been bringing Translink passengers local book recommendations for the past twelve months. We also delivered an exciting live book club event back in October.
Working with authors such as Alix O’Neill, Jan Carson and Sharon Dempsey, Novel Journeys prides itself on supporting and collaborating with local Northern Irish literary talent.
With the book club growing in popularity and passengers of all ages and abilities wanting to embark on a ‘Novel Journey’, an expanded offering for 2022 seemed the way to go!
To celebrate the first anniversary of the book club in March, we launched the brand new ‘Novel Journeys: Monthly Digest’.
This exciting new format recommends a book, children’s book, and podcast to Translink’s passengers every month.
The addition of the monthly podcast brings an exciting new layer to the book club, while including a children’s book allows Novel Journeys to be shared with the little ones.
Supporting local talent is still at the forefront of the Translink book club with an exciting event in the works for later in the year.
To launch the new format, we teamed up with local East Belfast based author Wendy Erskine to share her new collection of short stories, ‘Dance Move’.
Staying on the theme of supporting female talent, the children’s book selected was ‘Dreams for our Daughters’ whilst the podcast came from Irish author ‘Marian Keyes’.
Several lucky social media followers will also be in with a chance to bag a copy of the selected titles with a giveaway running on the Translink Instagram page. To keep up with the monthly book recommendations follow Translink on: https://www.instagram.com/translinkni/