Belfast Legends Anyone ?

For the first time in the company’s history, Translink is calling on the public to nominate local living legends to be showcased and celebrated on a Metro Double Decker which will service the city. We have plenty of local talent to shout about and what better way to show our pride in the people of this place than immortalising some of our best known legends in this way.
The Metro Legends campaign is calling on customers and the wider public to help choose two Belfast legends to feature on the first ever eye-catching double-decker bus wrap which will be unveiled during Bus and Train Week, 6 – 12 June. No doubt there will be a number of sporting heroes, actors or musicians that feature, but it will be interesting to see who else the public think deserves legendary status. Whatever their chosen field, they have to have made a significant contribution in it and have of course have a strong association with the Belfast/Greater Belfast area.
Following the public nomination period, an independent judging panel will create a shortlist – from which the public will then ultimately vote for their winners to receive the official recognition. If you have anyone in mind simply click to read the criteria and make your nomination before 17th April. You can also get involved in the discussions and debate on @Translink_NI @TranslinkMetro using the hashtag #MetroLegends